lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Final conclusion

The students of Santa Rosa-Altoaragón started this week of Europe very excited and looking forward to doing things well and trying to show what we were doing in our blogs. We wanted to get the European message across the highest amount of people as we could, through sports, art, games, languages, fellowship.

The activities have just finished and we would like to make a conclusion: teachers have cooperated and helped us every moment we needed, the media have always been interested in our project, children have been really into and they have made our work easier, and the most positive thing is that they wanted us to continue telling them how beneficial is being a European citizen.

During these two weeks, despite having exams and having worked really hard, it has been a very rewarding experience because we have learnt a lot about Europe and ourselves, we have worked in groups and, furthermore, we have had the opportunity to design and create activities to reach a mutual aim: being united and respectful to everybody.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who has made an effort to make this dream come true.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

European year of Citizenship

No much people knows that this year is the European year of citizenship, and we think It's really importan to get this fact across because most people tends to forget how important is to be part of society. Our human rights come from the society, but It wouldn't exit without us. We're all conected and we've to understand that to progress and create a better world.

We put here a great Powert Point which explains perfectly what the European year of Citizenship is, we hope you'll enjoy it!

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The town council also supports us.

The council of Huesca and its mayoress, Ana Alós, are also involved in our project.
Yesterday, 9th May, on the ocassion of the day of Europe some students went to the city hall to explain them what Euroscola is and the activities we are doing at Santa Rosa-Altoaragón school.
We could happiliy realise we have all the support from our city council.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

European Ghymkana

 During this week as you know we have been doing lots of different activities, we are too busy and we could´t blog one of the activities that we did last 8th of May.
On Wednesday, while some of us were playing rugby with a second of ESO class others were with the orders learning the benefits that we have as European citizens.
We started all together thinking about what do we celebrate the 9th of May.
We talk with them about when did the first countries make the EU and why. They were so excited and knew a lot of it, but when we ask them what are the benefits that we have as European citizens they didn´t know what to answer.
we told them that the answer of that question was in some boxes but to open them they had to overcome some proves.

They divided in different groups representing the six first countries

And they went out to the playground to do the proves. there  wew six stations in each of them there were some envelopes, they choose theirs and answer the question that was inside.

 As they were finishing answering the question they came back and we gave them the boxes. In them they found some candy and chocolate euros and a card where a benefit os being a European citizen was written. They started to discuss about it.



At the end a spokesperson of each group explained to the others classmates his benefit.
 Finally they could answer the question at the beginning, why it is good as citizens to leave in the EU?

Then we did the same activitie with the class who was playing rugby.

Our marvellous organizers!

Happy Europe Day!

Today, 9th May is Europe Day! We hope that all of you enjoy it like us. It´s an important day for all the European people, and we want to show you that Europe have a lot of good things :)

Follow us!

Rugby time

Yesterday afternoon, we took the children of 2º ESO to a little park which is near our school. The reason? We wanted to show them one of the most popular sports in Europe but not in Spain... Rugby! The activity was carried out while our classmates were doing a ghymkana with another group of children, and when both groups had finished their activities, they joined the other one.

We had a great time: First, we told children what rubgy is: its histoy, the main rules and some techniques of rugby. Then we played some matches. Everybody enjoyed the game and fortunately, nobody was hurt.

We think that the photos talk by themselves...

 Preparing the field

 The game was really intense!
 Our great "rugby teachers"

 Having some fun while we were waiting for the next group of children... We are worse than them!

HTV interview!

Last Tuesday our fantastic teacher Virginia and three partners went to the HTV channel to explain our school project Euroscola. We spoke about all the activities we have done, like the Mini Olimpyc Games, the Mini Orchestra and the Gymkana.

Here is the link:
Entrevista a Virgina Bergua y 3 alumnos sobre Euroscola

Mini Olimpyc Games!

Some days ago, we prepared some athletism games for the children, like longitude jump, 100 mts etc.
We had a nice time and we hope you enjoy with it too!